Fruit and vegetable diet

Fruit and vegetable diet
Having a slim body and the ideal is a dream of every person, especially a woman. Various methods are used to obtain maximum results. One way "Diet". The main factor of someone doing a diet that is the way to lose weight by consuming eating food containing low carb. But still maintain a healthy body. As for how to reduce the intake of carbohydrates in the body by eating foods that are low in carbohydrates include:
  • A source of complex carbohydrates. By eating whole wheat, brown rice, corn, potatoes or cereals.
  • Vegetation and animal proteins. For this type of content that is low in carbohydrates such as fish, eggs, meat and low-fat milk, tempeh, tofu, soy and nuts
  • Vegetables. Good vegetables and low in carbohydrates choose green vegetables, vegetables that contain fiber.
  • Fruits. Almost the average type of fruit is good for consumption, especially in the diet. Choose fruits that contain lots of fiber.
  • Healthy fats, such as fish oil (omega-3) are also good to eat a healthy diet.

We all know, is very easy to get vegetables and fruits in the market of traditional and modern, or fresh mart. It is all a natural product which is excellent for those who are on a diet program. Surely it can be served as a healthy diet and of many kinds including those containing lots of fiber.

Nutrients that contain fiber is very necessary in the body of a woman or a man every day. The fiber content is very good for health as it can not be digested by digestive enzymes. The type of fiber is divided into two. ie soluble fiber by water and can not be by the water. This type of fiber that can not be dissolved by water such as hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin contained in vegetables and fruits. This fiber is very good for digestion because it can smooth bowel movement. While soluble fiber by water, namely gum, pectin and found in nuts and some fruits and vegetables also are the fiber content. This fiber that can control blood fat and cholesterol in the human body.

In general, foods that contain a high enough fiber have low energy. So it can decrease a person's weight. They are doing a diet with foods high in fiber, will always feel full so as to delay hunger. But also need to be aware of the effects of high fiber foods can cause excessive gas, especially diarrhea.

For the benefit of fiber found in vegetables and fruits that is, prevent diabetes, prevent heart disease, lower cholesterol and maintain a healthy gut. Because in general, fruits and vegetables contain high levels of calories and fat low. So no need to worry to be consumed every day. Fiber contained therein has been able to balance the weight kita.Oleh therefore, precisely for those who are running the program consuming a diet with fruits and vegetables. In addition to weight loss, can be felt also benefit the health of our bodies.

Following as options, types of fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of fiber and good for diet.

Fruit to the diet

Red Apple. Fruit containing about 2 grams of fiber. This fruit is very good for a beneficial diet and keeping blood pressure remained stable. And there is a pectin substance that is able to clean toxins in the body.
Bananas. Is a fruit that is common around us. Easily available and the price is also affordable. Banana contains 0.6 grams of fiber per 100 grams. In addition it is also beneficial to lower blood pressure, treat stomach acid, and reducing cholesterol levels
Avocado. Each 2 tablespoons of avocado we consume, it contains about 2 grams of fiber. Avocado is also beneficial to lower cholesterol levels and prevent heart attacks.
Pear fruit. Once consume a medium-sized pear fruit, it contains about 5.5 grams of fiber. Pear fruit is sweet and fresh is very good for the diet because they contain a lot of fiber.
Watermelon. Watermelon contains a lot of water. In addition to good diet, watermelon also contains vitamin A and vitamin C, fiber other minerals such as magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. The benefits of watermelon to maintain a healthy intestinal and liver disorders.
Dragon fruit. Dragon fruit contains only 0.7 grams of fiber in every 100 grams. In addition to diet, dragon fruit is also beneficial digestion, prevent gout and rheumatism, as well as lower blood sugar and as an antioxidant.
Melon. Melon fruit like dragon fruit, which contains only 0.7 grams of fiber per 100 grams. The dragon fruit has benefits such as lowering cholesterol, overcoming a fever, prevent heart disease and many more benefits. Besides melon also contains vitamin C.
Vegetables to the diet.
Spinach. Spinach categorized as a vegetable that is good for weight loss. Spinach easy to get in the market in general. Spinach itself is beneficial to improve blood circulation, keeping the metabolism in the body so it is good to burn fat in the body. In addition, spinach is also able to control excessive hunger.
Broccoli. Vegetable broccoli is a vegetable that contains many indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and beneficial to burn fat in the body. Broccoli sting to the diet, because it can lose weight quickly and effectively. The fat content contained in broccoli can provide satiety for longer.
Carrots. Carrots vegetables contain lots of beta carotene which is quite high. So that it can increase the body's metabolism that can burn fat fast. The fiber content in carrots is also quite high and most of the fiber is able to lower cholesterol levels and reduce excessive appetite.
Nuts. Nuts are foods that belong able to burn body fat effectively. Nuts have a high fiber and low calorie.

For those of you who are running a healthy diet program, prioritizing the fruits and vegetables that have a lot of fiber, low in fat, rich in minerals and vitamins. In addition to healthy, you can lose weight naturally. Not recommended diet with drinking patterns instant drugs to lose weight. Because your body is forced to diet instantly, and have side effects if you are not taking these drugs. It could be your body back fat is not formed even relatively ideal body suit your expectations. Get used to consume foods such as fruits and vegetables are healthy. Besides naturally, is also beneficial for our health.

Fruit and vegetable diet
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